Cloudera Fast Forward Labs


A collection of short fiction inspired by new developments in machine learning. Each story takes its theme from the topic of the report it appears in.
from ff08: Multi-Task Learning
by Umair Kazi
There is a consensus among archaeologists and historians of the Near East that the lost city of Havurtat As far as we know, Herodotus was the first to provide a record of Havurtat, which he no doubt culled from Avestan sources that have since been…
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from ff07: Semantic Recommendations
Customers Who Haven’t Read Kafka Also Like
by Kent Szlauderbach
Given that Kafka’s famous parable, “An Imperial Message,” never happened, neither would this parable, as our model suggests, though they are very similar. Say the most powerful computer in the nation sends a message, in a fatal error, containing the…
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from ff06: Interpretability
The Definition of Success
by Grant Custer
1. Ship S-513: Hibernation Room The crew awoke to Ship’s message: PLANET OF INTEREST APPROACHING — ESTIMATED ARRIVAL FOUR HOURS — BEGIN PREPARATION FOR ON-PLANET EXPLORATION. Rue glanced at the monitor — they’d been out for seven months this time…
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from ff05: Probabilistic Programming
BayesHead 5000
by Liam Sweeney
Re: Inquiry on Limitations of the BayesHead 5000 Dear Mr. Jim, We here at Monte Carlo Inc. are reaching out in response to your inquiry dated September 15. We want you to know that we appreciate your business. You are a valued customer and, though…
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from ff04: Summarization
Mars Terraform Expansion S-217
by Grant Custer
Fatima wakes to a simulated bedroom sunrise and the smell of coffee. She stretches into her robe as the bed retracts behind her and walks over to inspect her houseplants. She likes the challenge of the heirloom varieties, even if she is on her fourth…
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Cloudera Fast Forward Labs does applied machine learning research and consulting.
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